
Making international education experiences more accessible.


International education experiences are out of reach for many. This is especially true for Indigenous students, students with disabilities, and students from low-income backgrounds. Global Skills Opportunity seeks to change that.

Global Skills Opportunity
Colleges and Institutes Canada
and Universities Canada

Branding & Design
Campaigns & Content
Media Relations
Social Media

We were involved from day one, beginning with the program naming process. The name needed to appeal to many audiences, while also speaking to the benefits of the program. We selected Global Skills Opportunity after a consultation process with partners and students.

From here, we built the brand. We developed an icon system that would be flexible for the wide range of campus communicators applying the visual identity. We paired this with a bright colour palette that would stand out at recruitment fairs and online.

With the brand created, we turned to building a communications strategy that would generate attention and excitement. We sought to make a clear connection between the benefits of international study and skill development.

Outreach materials were developed with short, punchy messages that would feel at home on Instagram and other student-friendly platforms. We built flexibility into the plan, given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Post-secondary partners were a key part of our efforts, as it allowed the program to reach regional media audiences with localized messaging. Campaign materials rolled out across social media swiftly, driven by content calendars and eye-catching animations.

Crafting a brand and strategy for international education in the midst of a global pandemic was no easy task. Emdash approached this with enthusiasm and empathy at every step of the way. We were thrilled with the results.

Alison Evans, Former Vice President,
Universities Canada

Shining a light on food insecurity in the North.

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